Quality Guarantee Policy:
Case Logic is dedicated to providing quality products. Every product is quality tested and is guaranteed for the term reflected on its packaging against defects in materials and workmanship. Our quality guarantee applies only when products have been put to the use intended by Case Logic and specifically excludes defects from misuse, use beyond a product's intended purpose or coincidental or consequential damage. This warranty specifically excludes damages to items stored or carried in Case Logic products.
Guarantee Durations by product type:
25 Year Quality Guarantee*
10 Year Quality Guarantee*
5 Year Quality Guarantee*
2 Year Quality Guarantee*
* Please refer to original packaging for Case Logic's Quality Guarantee duration or contact your regional Case Logic office to verify the correct duration of a guarantee. For any products not listed above, contact your regional Case Logic office for Guarantee term confirmation.
Returns Policy
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase; you may return it to the original place of purchase within 30 days of the purchase date for a refund or replacement.
Quality Guarantee Claims
Case Logic fully complies with all applicable European and national rules and regulations regarding the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees and this Quality Guarantee does not in any way affect the rights you may enjoy as a consumer under the national legislation applicable to your sale agreement with Case Logic.
In case of a defective product, we will replace it at no additional costs to you. In the event such replacement is not possible, we will provide you with a replacement of similar value.
Please contact your regional Case Logic office for warranty claims:
For guarantees in Brazil, please fill out the form on this link.Latin America
For guarantees in Latin America, please fill out the form on this link.United States & Canada
2420 Trade Centre Avenue, Ste. ALongmont, CO 80503
(303) 652-1000
To submit a warranty request via email, please fill out our Warranty Request Form and email it to us.
Europe, Middle East, Africa
Avenue Jean Monnet 41348 Louvain-la-Neuve
32 81 62 60 60
If you have any questions, please let us know by using the Contact Us form.
25/F, Two Harbour Square, 180 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong852 2758 3013